Board Meeting 11/12/2024

The Board of Directors normally meets at 7:00 P.M. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Ashbrook Community Center. Ashbrook owners and residents are encouraged to come to the meeting in order to better understand the business and decisions made by the Board. The Board meeting has a preset Agenda of items to be discussed and perhaps voted upon, and the meeting will be conducted per “Robert’s Rules of Order” (Article 3, Section 7 of Ashbrook’s Recorded By-laws). 

Please note that these Board meetings are not public forums for the owners and residents. At the end of each section of the Agenda, there is a time allocated for attendees to briefly speak or ask questions regarding that section, and a time allocated to speak to
General Content.

Please also note that any new ideas or suggestions NOT on the current Agenda will normally not be discussed or be dealt with in this meeting, but will be routed to the proper Committee to be considered at the next upcoming Committee meeting. After the Committee does “due diligence” on the item, the Committee can recommend it to the Board for discussion and consideration in the Agenda for the upcoming Board meeting.

At any time, if residents/owners have ideas, concerns, violation complaints, or general complaints, they are encouraged to email them to the Management Company. If they have a particular complaint about a violation they have received, also email that to the Management Company. These items will be promptly forwarded to the proper people to deal with them.


November 12th, 2023


Ashbrook Community Center.